It's Friday, Friday, comin' into school on Friday. Everybody's lookin' forward to the coursework, coursework.
It's Friday, Friday, doin' German on Friday. Everybody's lookin' forward to the coursework.
...I think that's enough. Strange situation actually, sitting in the car with my dad, singing 'Friday'.
But ANYWAY, that little rendition was an ode to the German coursework and revision I spent all day doing. During my holidays. AT SCHOOL. I had to go to school to do a piece of writing... really?
It was actually really odd, more than anything. Apparently today was a serious school-cleaning day, because the whole place stank of bleach - And I'm obviously familiar with that smell, being a woman. I walked past one of the cleaners scrubbing a wall... it seemed like a pretty clear "look like I'm doing something while a stranger walks past" move really but if not, fair enough, each to their own I guess.
The worst thing was that I finished my writing piece half an hour early, so she just let me leave early for lunch. I immediately thought "I HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD!" and walked into Slough, thinking I would have enough time to read a chapter of the book I'm currently reading, before walking to Sainsbury's to meet the others. Rookie Mistake. I walked to Slough and then realised I would just have to walk to Sainsbury's straight from the town centre, or else I'd probably miss them. Silly Catgrace!
Yeah, so that was a fun day... or something, but do you know what day will be even more fun? TOMORROW. Do you know why? IT'S RECORD STORE DAY. I plan on hopefully going to one of the Rough Trade stores in London and experiencing the beauty of vinyl with an abundance of other young music snobs, like me. I want to go to Rough Trade East and see Wild Beasts perform, but my Dad looks more set on going to Rough Trade West, which seems to be absolutely miniscule. Never mind, I'm not gonna be fussy - I need money for a souvenir, and who else am I going to get it from?
On a final note, I made a mixtape for my friend [the same friend who insists they are mentioned in every single post I make] on Tuesday, and I think it was the best mixtape I've ever made - I suppose I could be deemed as slightly biased though, having made a "this is all music I like at the moment" mixtape. In return, I got a pretty damn good mixtape, except I discovered the true horror of Dubstep Bieber. Please never let me be put through that again.
So here's a picture I drew, BYE.
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