Sunday, 13 March 2011


Y'know how earworms are melodies stuck in your head? Well, what d'you call lyrics or quotes stuck in your head? I figured maybe eyeworms, but I thought that'd probably apply more to a certain image stuck in your head, so instead i went with brainworms.

I have two brainworms right now:
1/.  I am Jack's inflamed sense of rejection - I watched Fight Club today and that was one line that just stood out to me. I don't know why but once I heard Edward Norton say it, it just stuck throughout the whole film and even now, 3 hours later.

2/. I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven knows I'm miserable now - You may have already guessed that this is from 'Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now' by The Smiths. This song came on shuffle the other day and, again, just stuck with me. What's even stranger is that the day after I heard that song and made it my Smiths song of the month [I'm going through a Smiths phase, y'see], I got a text just with that lyric. I guess some people just read minds. This lyric's also pretty ironic, considering I don't drink, so I can't really say that it "spoke to me" or anything. I just like it, it's sort of pretty, in a tortured-soul kind of way. And what better way to describe Morrissey than as a tortured soul?

So that's all I wanted to say. Here's a picture I made:


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